
Google Analytics

Google Analytics help you keep track of all the web traffic going through your website. It is a powerful tool that helps in a number of ways. It can be used to help with SEO, reporting, and digital marketing.

SEO: it tells you what keywords people are searching for to get to your site. Whether or not they are organic searches. paid searches. It also lets you know where traffic is coming from links, social media.

Reporting: It has a number of reports and graphs you can look at. It also allows you to drill down in great detail giving you the edge in a competitive market.

Digital Marketing: Google Analytics tells you the demography of your users. Whether they are male or female. What age groups are seeing your site. What city and states are visiting your site. It allows your to create a successful marketing strategy.

The Lead Leader

Go with the best digital marketing team around. Combine Google analytics with the marketing Genius of the lead leader. Create the best and most effective marketing campaign.

96% of people visit a website and leave without taking any action.
Google Analytics(r) – $50/mo; includes a monthly website traffic report with content recommendations.Enhanced Website Traffic Analysis – $140 plus $1 per unique site visitor; includes Google Analytics recommendations plus monthly spreadsheet of identified site visitors.Accelerated Website Traffic Analysis – $415 plus $1 per unique site visitor; includes Google Analytics recommendations plus weekly spreadsheet of identified site visitors.Automated Follow-Up Addon – additional $3 per unique site visitor; includes postcard, email, and text message directly retargeting that specific individual.

For comparison, many industry websites sell “leads” for $50-75. Those industry leads are sold to several service providers who then compete for the business. Website Traffic Analysis shows you the people are who are interested in your business and what you offer.

You are spending money to get people to visit your website and social media profile(s); are you getting the financial results you deserve?
Small business owners and nonprofit executives like you have too many tasks and not enough time to accomplish them all. The Lead Leader can analyze your current Brand, give you ideas for getting new business NOW, and create resources for building even more business.

The Lead Leader will help you get back to doing what you do best!

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